By | July 26, 2018

Peppermint is a plant of the genus Mentha in Lamiaceae. Its essential oil is extracted from young leaves and is native to Europe. Its main source of oil is the United States. Peppermint essential oil contains 45% alcohol – menthol and 25% ketones – menthone.

Because peppermint essential oil is often used in all aspects of life, it is called “omnipotent essential oil” of the common essential oil .Peppermint essential oil has a strong cold and pain relief effect on the skin, so it is used as a first aid in aromatherapy and has a good analgesic effect. In the case of accidental trauma, in the area of pain without broken skin, you can directly or two or three drops without dilution. The use of peppermint essential oil can treat a variety of pains, and there are many different ways of using it in real life.

Stop the headache – use a little finger to apply a little bit of peppermint essential oil, point at the acupuncture point of the temple and the forehead near the hairline, at the position of the cervical vertebrae behind the ear (use the little finger instead of the index finger to dip the essential oil to avoid the essential oil running into the eye because People often touch the face and eyes with their index finger.

Severe headaches or migraines are recommended: Mix 5 drops of real lavender essential oil with 5 ml of plant base oil, massage from top to bottom on the back of the neck, and then apply cold compress.

Cold compress is to pour 1 drops of peppermint oil into small glass bottles and 3 drops of real lavender essential oil, then injecting 4 spoons of clean water into the bottle cap and shake it well, so that the essential oil can be dispersed in the water as much as possible, then use a slender gauze to stick the mixture of these essential oils, wrap the forehead with it, then wrap it on the gauze, and then wrap the paper with gauze, then rest in the dark room, take one or two hours off the gauze or let it stay for one night, and take it down for second days.

Ankle sprain – the pain relieving effect of peppermint essential oil is beyond doubt, but to deal with sprained ankle, we should cooperate with other essential oils for follow-up treatment. You can use 5 ml plant base oil plus 3 drops of permanent flower essential oil, gently massage the affected area, which has the effect of removing blood stasis, relieving pain and repairing cells.

Nourishing liver and gallbladder, helping digestion – the normal peppermint oil in the pocket, sometimes after eating, with small wood toothpick with little mint oil in the mouth, not only the breath is pleasant, but also can help digestion, because the peppermint oil has the enzyme to promote the secretion of detoxification of the liver. The effect is more obvious is that when the stomach is not digested,peppermint essential oil will soon achieve a mild effect. This is much safer than using toothpicks that smells like peppermint.

Refreshing – the spirit of work or class can not be concentrated, pour 1 drop of peppermint oil in the paper towel to sniff, or use the aromatherapy stove to steam, have the effect of improving the spirit.

Motion sickness, boat and nausea – pour 1 drop of peppermint essential oil in a paper towel, and lemon essential oil(one of the essential essential oils) and warm ginger essential oil have the same effect, it depends on personal preference.


Note: 1,Peppermint essential oilS should not be used in infants younger than 30 months;

2, It should not be used on burned skin;

3, The dosage and concentration used should be less, and it is sufficient to use 0.25%-0.5% on the compound of the essential oil;

4, It should not be used around the eyes;

5, It should not be used directly on skin with inflammation;

6, It is not recommended for a whole body soaking bath and massage.

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